Braking Bad Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage

BREAKING BAD ART, Bluebird Concept, Space Shuttle & On Set!!

Welcome to AUTOMOTIVE POP CULTURE DAILY!! So many cool things happening in the garage... LET'S GET TO IT! First up, Fireball busts out the PONTIAC AZTEK from BREAKING BAD and doubles down with a one-off Concept called the FIREBALL BLUEBIRD! This will be in the Garage for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

DID YOU KNOW?? In "Breaking Bad," Walter White's iconic Pontiac Aztek was deliberately chosen by the show creators to represent his declining character, as the Aztek is widely considered one of the ugliest cars ever made; the show's creator, Vince Gilligan, specifically picked the car and even selected its distinctive "fern green" color to further emphasize this point. While considered an unattractive car before "Breaking Bad," the show's notoriety significantly increased the recognition of the Pontiac Aztek, making it a pop culture icon. Thus... SKETCHED!!

Also in today's HEISENBERG BLAST... A Vintage snap of Fireball, Daryl Starbird and GENE WINFIELD on set for MONSTER GARAGE, the SPACE SHUTTLE lands on PCH and a great Art Piece for MANIACS GARAGE!

NEWSFLASH!! Fireball is now writing for CALABASAS STYLE MAGAZINE with an upcoming Article on Joe Magliato and his TRINITY HOT ROD. Plus, Journalist Etraordinaire Barbara Burke interviews Fireball for a an upcoming piece in THE MALIBU TIMES. Out soon!

COMMISSION ART!! Three pieces today of Classic Vintage Ball Art starting with THE TOMORROWLAND MAGIC EYE DIGSITE. Done for Disney Imagineering in '92, this was the original concept before GALAXY'S EDGE. Tomorroland was to be a SPACEPORT! Also, a Concept for a client called THE ICICLE. Exploring new packaging and under-explored materials. And Fireball whipsnaps a '69 VETTE for a Socal Cruiser.

ON SET!! Vintage BEHIND THE SCENES snaps of the film "ESCAPE FROM LA" with Kurt Russell. Fireball was responsible for CONCEPT and Storyboards with John Carpenter. This was the final scene at THE HAPPY KINGDOM BY THE SEA and shot at Courthouse Square at the UNIVERSAL BACKLOT!

And lastly... today's BEST OF SHOW episode scoots Fireball to VISUALIZE VENTURA CARS & COFFEE! So cool, it HURTS!! WATCH below of on YOUTUBE!

*New AUTOMOTIVE POP CULTURE ART on Mugs, Canvas & TeeShirts are in THE GARAGE!
*THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW in the Garage! It really helps and 10% goes to DOG RESCUES.
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Breaking Bad Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage Automotive Pop Culture Art by Fireball Tim Garage


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